Collection: Products

  • Step 1: Browse Our Collection

    1. Explore Our Shop: Start by browsing through our collection of apparel, accessories, and more.

    2. Choose a Product: Find the product you want to customise and click on it. Remember, the clothes you see in the previews have our logo on them, but that’s not the final product.

  • Step 2: Start Customising

    1. Click Customise: Once you’ve selected your product, click the “Customise” button to start designing.

    2. Design Your Product: Use our intuitive design tool to add your personal touch. You can upload images, add text, zoom, crop, rotate and many more.

  • Step 3: Choose Your Product Colour

    1. Select Colour: Before you start customising, choose the colour of your product.

    2. Design on White Template: When you customise, the template will be shown as white for clarity. Don’t worry – your design will be printed on the product colour you select, it will just use a white template.

  • Step 4: Review and Finalise

    1. Preview Your Design: Take a moment to review your customized product. Ensure everything looks exactly how you want it.

    2. Edit if necessary.

  • Step 5: Complete Your Purchase

    1. Add to Cart: Once you’re happy with your design, add your product to the cart.

    2. Checkout: Proceed to checkout and complete your purchase. Your unique, customised item will be on its way to you soon!

  • Need Help?

    If you have any questions or need assistance, our customer service team is here to help. Reach out to us, and we’ll guide you. Happy customising, and thank you for choosing Infinite Creations Lab to bring your creative ideas to life! 🌟

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